God so Loved the World

Read: John 3:16-18

Sometimes we need to return to the basics. Sometimes we need to look at John 3:16, even when we could say it in our sleep. Sometimes we need to be reminded of God’s love, even when we hear and read and talk and sing about it all the time.

God’s love is described over and over in His Word as steadfast, faithful, and enduring forever. The proof of this is right here in this verse – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son…” God’s love endured from the beginning of time – even after the Fall, even when His people doubted Him, when they forsook Him and worshipped idols. Over and over and over again His steadfast love endured through the wickedness and sin and rejection of Man until all that wickedness and sin was laid upon His Son, nailed to a cross.

I think we can often get confused by the love of this world. It is a weak, surface-level, selfish love. It really isn’t love at all. God doesn’t offer us that kind of love, He offers us a true love – a love so much deeper and full and satisfying and lasting. A love that gives us life. A love that changes everything.

It changes our future. Because of His love, God sent His Son to save us and to give us everlasting life. The Bible makes clear that we were in darkness, headed to the grave. And without God’s love intervening – without His love staying steadfast and faithful – that’s exactly where we would be. But instead, we now have life. We have a future. We have the hope of living in the presence of this love forever.

But it also changes our now. It changes the way we live here, today. 2 Corinthians 5:14, 1 John 4:11, Matthew 22:37-39 – These verses all make clear that the love of God should permeate through us, and should control and cover everything we do. Because God has loved us, we love others. Because God has loved us, we turn away from darkness and sin.

Because God has loved us, we are forever changed. We are forever alive. We are made His children. We are made His heirs. We are made free. And we are called to let that love pour out of us, into the world.

In what ways has God’s love changed you and your life?

In what ways does your love for others need to become more like His love?