J.J. Stanbridge

Senior Pastor

J.J. Stanbridge joined Flint Hill as Interim Pastor in July 2022. J.J. is married to Paula and they have three children: one a recent college graduate, one heading to college in the fall, and one in middle school. J.J. loves to see God’s people follow Jesus and be mobilized for effective ministry. Flint Hill is excited to welcome J.J. and his family.

Gavin Brown

Associate Pastor
Gavin is married to Lori and has four children. He has been on staff since 2002 and is primarily responsible for the music ministry at Flint Hill. He also maintains the church website, films & edits video, and writes & arranges music for congregational use and for special events. Gavin attended the University of Mobile, where he earned a degree in musical composition, and after that, Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, where he earned an M.A. in Theological Studies.

Nathan Kitchens

Minister to Students

 Contact Nathan

Nathan joined the team at Flint Hill in fall 2021. He is a fulltime teacher at Bessemer Academy, and is currently a student at SWBTS. Nathan loves the Lord and loves to help students know & serve the Lord.