Our aim is to exalt Jesus Christ in everything we do. Our worship services are designed to engage the church in biblical expressions of worship.
At Flint Hill, musical style and instrumentation are regarded as secondary issues. However, the content of our worship is of the utmost importance. We seek to honor Christ and His Church by singing songs with lyrics that are grounded in the Bible and that put emphasis on God’s glory revealed in Christ.
A typical service at Flint Hill will contain songs and hymns of praise, reading of Scripture, corporate prayer, and gospel preaching. The musical style is decidedly modern, with a band and small team of singers leading the musical portion of the service. However, we also regularly incorporate fresh arrangements of familiar hymns in our services.
Learn more about serving in any of the following areas:
Our band leads worship every Sunday morning. In order to serve in the band, one must be proficient in an instrument, and be able to play from a chord chart or lead sheet. Additionally, playing in the band requires a substantial amount of personal rehearsal time. Like all other ministries in the church, those who play in the regular rotation must be followers of Christ and be active in overall church life.
There is no such thing as having too many good musicians in a church. If you play any of the following instruments and are interested in playing in the worship band, please contact us by filling out the form below.
- Acoustic Guitar
- Electric Guitar
- Bass Guitar
- Drums
- Piano/Keyboard
- Strings (violin, viola, or cello)
Worship Team
The Worship Team is responsible for leading worship on Sunday mornings, and also occasionally sings special music. We have multiple teams that rotate on a weekly basis. Worship Team members must be committed believers who are active in the life of the church, and must also have the ability to sing in parts.
If you are interested in exploring the possibility of being part of the worship team, please fill out the form below, and then click ‘Submit.’
Audio and Media
Both the audio and media teams play an integral role in our Sunday gathering, and we’re always looking for more people to serve in these important roles.
If you are interested in serving on either the audio team or media team, please fill out the form below, and then click ‘Submit.’