Fully Known and Loved

Read: Psalm 139:1-12 

Have you ever wanted to run and hide? Whether you’re an introvert or extrovert, whether you like the spotlight or not – I would say there’s a pretty good chance that at some point in your life, you’ve wanted to hide. Wanted to cover up something that had been revealed. 

Why? Because nobody likes being exposed. That’s why there are so many cover-ups and lies in this world. That’s why we cringe in the face of being vulnerable. That’s why we constantly put up fronts and faces. – Because we’re scared of being exposed. We know the parts of us that aren’t appealing – the broken, sinful, messy parts. The evil desires. The embarrassing mistakes. And so, we try to cover those things up. Just like Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves after the Fall.  

Because opening ourselves up leaves us susceptible to attack and ridicule. To being left, to being unloved.  

In light of this, Psalm 139 seems at first to present a scary reality. The God of the Universe knows every single thing about us. All the broken and messy parts. All the sin. All the thoughts and words, before they are even thought or spoken.  

And if we try to cover all these things from other humans’ views, our natural reaction is to do the same with God. To try to cover our own sin. Try to clean up our messy, broken pieces. Try to put on a happy face when coming to Him. But He says “No child, I already know everything about you” – a fearful thought, until we are reminded of His character – “And yet, I will never leave you. My steadfast love endures forever.” It is too great and unbelievable a thought that we are completely, fully known AND loved by the God of the Universe. Loved so much that He died for us.  

And this is the beautiful truth that this psalm presents. God knows every single thing about us – and yet there is nowhere we can run from His presence, His love, His grace. We may feel like running and hiding, but the truth is – we can’t outrun Him…or His love. We can’t hide from Him, try as we might…and there is no reason to. For when we finally uncover our sin, our sin will be covered. When we finally bring everything (mess and all) to Him open-handed, exposed – we will find unending grace. We don’t have to fear attack or ridicule, being left or being unloved – for we serve a good and gracious God. One who encircles us forever.