Our High Priest

Read: Hebrews 7:23-28, Mark 15:37-38 

The High Priests of Israel were not just important figures, they were essential in Israel’s relationship with God. They were the only ones allowed to go behind the veil in the Temple, to enter into the Holy of Holies –  where God’s presence dwelt. And every year, they would offer a sacrifice, entering into this place to atone for the people’s sins. They were the mediators between God and man. They were bridges – yet, temporary ones. 

These High Priests were not perfect. They had to offer sacrifices just for themselves before they could step behind the veil. And because the sacrifices – the substitutes – were only symbols, they had to be offered over and over again. Yet God, all along, had a better plan. From the beginning, the role of High Priest pointed to Jesus and what He would do for us. 

He is truly essential in our relationship with God. Without Him, we would never get to experience what it is like to know God and walk with Him. He not only made a sacrifice for our sins, He became the sacrifice. The perfect, full sacrifice, given once for all.  

And because of that sacrifice, the veil was torn. This is one of my favorite things in all of Scripture. Because the blood of Jesus washes us completely clean, we can now all enter into the presence of God – we don’t have to be separated any longer. Even better than that, God sent the Holy Spirit that His presence might dwell in us. We are now the Temple of God.  

Jesus is the bridge that connects us permanently and continually with our God. The beautiful, everlasting bridge that closes in the gap. He gives us full access to God through His purifying, powerful blood. There is nothing better than this.  

All along, God has wanted to dwell with us. We see it first in the garden – He wants to walk and talk and have relationship with us. After our sin separated us from Him, He used the Tabernacle (later, the Temple) – and people like the High Priest – to be able to dwell with His people again. But His ultimate plan was to come dwell with us in the flesh, to die, and to rise again that we might all have access to a fully restored relationship with Him. Jesus our perfect High Priest accomplished this plan, and we now wait on His return – when we will get to walk and talk and dwell with our God forevermore. All because our High Priest loves us and gave Himself for us.  

Are you living in the reality that you have full access to God? Are you walking with Him and growing your relationship with Him daily? 

Don’t ever forget that – because of Jesus – you have this privilege!